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交通学院:Dingxin Wu(吴鼎新)

发布者: [发表时间]:2022-04-20 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

Dingxin Wu(吴鼎新)

Personal information(个人基本信息)

Ph.DAssociate Professor

Tel: +86 0517-83559165

Email: hyit_wu@qq.com

Office: Room 216, Building 24, Meichenglu Campus, Huaiyin Institute of Technology.

Education & Experience(教育工作经历)

2019Now Associate Prof., Huaiyin Institute of Technology, China

2015–2019 Assistant Prof., Huaiyin Institute of Technology, China

2009–2015 Lecturer, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, China

20132019 Ph.D., Southeast University, China

2007–2010 Master, Beihang University, China

Research Fields(主要研究领域)

Dr. Wus current research interests mainly lie in the fields of transportation planning and management, traffic simulation, traffic big data analysis, and geographic information system. He has presided and completed fifteen projects. One project was supported by Natural Science Foundation of China, and one was supported by social Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province. He has published more than 20 papers as the first author. As the first inventor, he has been authorized three Chinese patents.

Selected Publications(主要科研成果)

1. Evaluating operational effects of bus lane with intermittent priority under connected vehicle environments[J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2017, 2017.

2. The influence of heavy vehicles on traffic dynamics around on-ramp system: Cellular automata approach[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2017, 28(06): 1750083.

3. Sensitivity Analysis of Bus Lane with Intermittent Priority Based on Cellular Automaton[M]//CICTP 2017: Transportation Reform and Change—Equity, Inclusiveness, Sharing, and Innovation. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2018: 4181-4188.
