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新葡的京集团35222vip2021届来华留学生优秀毕业生评选 Applying for HYIT Outstanding International Graduates of 2021

发布者:赵黎平 [发表时间]:2021-06-10 [来源]:新葡的京集团35222vip [浏览次数]:


Dear International Graduates,



In order to enhance the education quality and cultivate more talents, HYIT is going to select 2021 Outstanding International Graduates. Please pay attention to the information below:


一、评选对象/ Applicants


2021 HYIT International Graduates


1. 遵守中华人民共和国法律法规和新葡的京集团35222vip校规,在华期间无违规违纪记录。

Abided by laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China as well as the school’s regulations.

2. 在学期间成绩优良,无挂科现象。未在我校学制年限内按期毕业学生(延期毕业学生),不予参评。

Applicants should have a good academic history while studying at HYIT and passed all the exams. Students who didn't graduate within basic study duration (students who have applied for study extension) are not eligible.

3. 关心集体,积极参加各类活动,在校期间表现突出,能起到模范带头作用,获得两次校级及以上荣誉

Applicants should have taken an active part in extracurricular activities and have served as a good example for other international students, as well as maintaining an outstanding daily performance,won the awards of university level or above twice.

4. 在校期间通过学校规定的国家汉语等级考试(HSK)。

Passed the National Chinese Language Test (HSK) required by the school during the school period.

5. 毕业设计、毕业论文成绩在良好及以上。

Graduation project, graduation thesis score is good or above.



Please download and fill in the Application Form for HYIT Outstanding International Graduates. In the part of personal statement, please introduce your academic performance, your participation in school and social extra-curricular activities, and awards. Then please submit the application form and supporting documents (PDF) to zhaolp@hyit.edu.cn before 16:30 on June 14th. Please name your email subject as “Name+Application for Outstanding International Graduates”.



SIE will review the application documents according to students’ performance during studies as well as opinions of class teachers, management teachers and the Student Union members. The final result will be released later.



Please call 0517-83591070 for more information.



Schoool of International Education



